Hair loss has always been a common complaint, but as this pandemic has carried on, we are seeing it more frequently.
Can COVID-19 cause hair loss? Let’s break down the facts.
“Telogen effluvium” is a temporary type of hair loss that can occur due to a number of triggers, including having a high fever or recovering from an illness (ie: COVID-19).
Telogen effluvium happens when a large number of hairs enter the shedding (telogen) phase of the hair growth cycle.
Here’s the thing, this type of hair loss doesn’t actually become noticeable until 2-3 months AFTER the inciting event has occurred. You’ll start to notice handfuls of hair coming out when showering/brushing. Fortunately, this type of hair loss is temporary, but can last around 6-9 months, which feels like forever!
Even if you haven’t had COVID-19, you may still notice a good amount of hair shedding this year. Another common cause of
telogen effluvium is emotional stress. And well, I think it’s safe to say this year has been STRESSFUL. It’s a pandemic.
What can you do? Time is your best friend. As stated earlier, this type of hair loss tends to be temporary. As your hair grows back, you’ll notice short “baby” hairs along your hairline. Keep a nutritious diet and make sure there isn’t another cause of hair loss in your control.
Last and most important note: hair loss is incredibly complex and can have a number of contributing factors. It’s important to check in with a hair-loss expert.
author : dr. Rininta Christabella